englische Literatur

Kleine Auswahl englischer Literatur


Arms Susanne

Seasons of Change, Growing through Pregnancy and Birth 1993


English Jane B.

Different Doorway. Adventures of a Caesarean Born, The Windrush Press 1985


Fraser Diane M.

Myle’s Textbook for Midwifes, 15th Edition, Churchill Cooper Margaret A. Livingstone Verlag Edinburgh 2009


Frye Anne

Understanding Diagnostic Tests in the Childbearing Year, 1997


Frye Anne

Holistic Midwifery, A Comprehensive Textbook for Midwives in Homebirth Practice, Volume 1, Labyrinth Press 2004


Gaskin Ina May

Spiritual Midwifery, 2002


Gordon Yehudi

Birth and Beyond. The Definitive Guide to Your Pregnancy, Your Birth, Your Family, 2002


Hayton Aletha M.

Ripples from the Womb. How therapists can help the sole survivor when a twin dies before birth. Published as an e-book 2014 by Wren Publications St.Albans, Herts AL3 6Ne. www.wrenpublications.co.uk


Hayton Althea M.

Untwinned: Perspectives on the Death of a Twin Before Birth. Published by Wren Publications 2007


Hayton Althea M.

Womb Twin Survivors. The Lost Twin in the Dream of the Womb. Published by Wren Publications 2011



Keith L. G., Papiernik,E.     Multiple Pregnancy – Epidemiology, Gestation and Perinatal outcome. The Parthenon Publishing Group, New York, London 1995


Klaus Marshall H.

Mothering the Mother. 1993


Kroeger Mary

Impact of Birthing. Practices on Breastfeeding. Protecting the Mother and Baby Continuum. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury MA 2004


Lewis Thomas M.D.

A General Theory of Love. Vintage Books New York. 2001


Maret Stephan

The prenatal person. Frank Lake°s Maternal-Fetal-Distress-Syndrom. Lanham Maryland. 1997


Martini Frederic H.

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology. 2008.


Motha Dr. Gourri

Gentle Birth Method, 2004


Noble Elizabeth

Having Twins And More: A Parent’s Guide to Multiple Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Childhood, 3. Edition, Houghton Mifflin


Oxorn Harry

Human Labor & Birth, Fifth Edition, Appleton-Century-Crofts 1986


Rank Otto

The Trauma of Birth 2010


Rapp Rayna

Testing Women, Testing the Fetus, 2007


Simkin Penny

Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn. The Complete Guide, Meadowbrook Press 2001


Sonne John C.

Magic Babies. In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 12(2), Winter 1997, S. 61 – 87. Kinder, die durch reproduktive Technologien in die Welt kommen, stellen uns vor Fragen, die nicht nur sie betreffen, sondern deren Bezugspersonen und selbst die Gesellschaft.


Sonne John C.

Abortion Survivors at Columbine. In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 15(1), Fall 2000, S. 3 – 22. Eine psychoanalytische, familiensystemische und pränatalpsychologische Studie zu den Tätern des  Massakers von Columbine


Sonne John C.

On Tyrants as Abortion Survivors. In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 19(2), Winter 2004, S. 149 – 167. Tyrannen als Überlebende einer Abtreibung


Speckhard Anne

Universal Responses to Abortion? Attachment, Trauma and Grief


Mufel Natalia

Responses in Women Following Abortion. In: In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 18(1), Fall 2003, S. 3 – 37. Bindung, Trauma und Trauerreaktionen bei Frauen nach einer Abtreibung in der früheren Sowietunion.


Uvnas Moberg, Kerstin

The Oxytocin Factor. Tapping the Hormone of Calm, Love and Healing,Da Capo Press 2003


Weinstein, Diamond Ann & Verny Thomas

The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Pregnancy, Labor and Birth.

In: Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 18(4), Summer 2004, S. 313 – 325. Die Autoren befassen sich mit dem sexuellen Missbrauch in der Kindheit und seine Auswirkung auf Schwangerschaft, Wehen und Geburt.